The Secret to Mastering Willpower and Self Control

secret to mastering willpower and self-control

Have you ever noticed how much harder it is to have willpower and make great choices for your body when you’re stressed or have had a long day with too much going on? It doesn’t have to be “bad” stress, either – your willpower can lag after an awesome day spent sightseeing, shopping or doing something else that you love.

The reason this happens is because of something called “decision fatigue.”

Studies show that the more decisions you make over the course of a day, the harder it is to use your willpower or self control.

For instance, after a long day you might not feel very energetic… and feel like skipping your workout. Saying “no” to junk food may also be difficult.

This doesn’t mean you’re out of luck when decision fatigue kicks in. Instead, now that you know it’s a real “thing,” you can head it off at the pass. Stay strong, willpower!

Try these Tips to Plan Ahead and Master Willpower and Self Control:

  1. Plan and prepare your meals ahead of time. When you have healthy food ready to go, that’s one less decision to make! Also, having your clothes set and ready for your workout will help you just go and not have to decide!
  2. Before you go to bed at night, prepare yourself for a successful next day. Remember how you planned before your first day of school each year or on the first day of a new job? You had your outfit ready and your timeline set so you be ready on time and get off to a great start. This is huge! Put your workout clothes out, pack a healthy snack and lunch!
  3. If you workout after work or a busy day, immediately put your sneakers on before you go home. This will ensure you do your workout right away versus ending up on the couch.
  4. Before you go to bed, write down the top 3 things that NEED to be completed the next day. That way, you are ready to tackle them first thing in the morning. It might be tempting to knock off the easy tasks on the to-do list first but it’s much more satisfying and ensures success when you tackle the big things first.
  5. When possible, time block your schedule so you have more control over how you spend your time. This way, instead of thinking about what you need to do next, it’s already planned out for you!  Don’t forget to make time for your to-do list, workouts, grocery shopping, and spending time with family and friends!
  6. When you are doing a task, block your social media, put away your phone, turn off email notifications. Focusing on the task will allow you to be more productive and complete the task quicker, freeing up more time for you!

And, when decision fatigue DOES strike, it doesn’t mean you’re out of luck. Instead, now that you know it’s a real “thing,” you can head it off at the pass.

Recently, I had a magical experience and real-life example of the solution for decision fatigue.

You see, I am a lucky woman. I have owned my own fitness business for 5 years now. That means that almost every day I get to wear fitness gear and leggings. Yep, that’s right, it can be days or weeks before I even have to put on a pair of jeans.

AND because I decided years ago that I stand out more at networking events in my fitness gear and people chat with me more this way, I even wear my fitness gear to networking events! So, all this goes to say that I don’t wear “real” clothes that often. Now, this is great for my bank account because I haven’t gone shopping much. But when I do have an event that requires more than leggings and a fitness tank or Tshirt, I look at my closet in despair realizing the real clothes are the same things again and again probably for the past 5 years. And you may also remember I have 2 little kids, which makes it difficult to go shopping for myself.

How a fashion expert solved my decision fatigue

I decided to stop by a local consignment shop in my town where the owner takes the time to help each customer style looks from just a few pieces. Wow! This was incredible!

Having a fashion expert look at my shape, my coloring, and my style and turn it up a notch without ruining my bank account! Sure, I did pay a little more than I am used to at Old Navy but I know that these outfits will last and I will feel great in them!

Also, from just 8 pieces, she came up with 21 different outfits for me for various occasions! She even made a little “look book” and took pictures of all the combinations on my phone! Talk about easing my mind! If I have a particular event, I just have to look at the picture and pull out the items from my closet. Magical!

The weight that this experience lifted off my shoulders was immeasurable. I told all my neighbors, girlfriends, and anyone I ran into that day! I also immediately wrote a great review on Facebook, because I know small business thrives on word of mouth and testimonials!

Another great way to battle decision fatigue is with a support network

I would love for my programs to be that magical for you! My programs will wipe away your decision fatigue and create a blueprint for success. I will help you to get into a routine with exercise you enjoy and eat foods that fuel your body! You can spend hours on google or Pinterest saving the best exercises or recipes, but do you really need another thing to think about?

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have the nutrition and fitness programs outlined and ready with the exact exercises your body needs today based on your own fitness level and progress? Wouldn’t it be amazing to finally master willpower and self-control? Wouldn’t it also be amazing to have the encouragement and support you need? I will cheer you on to stay committed to your goals for fitness and health! Let’s get started, Apply today!