6 Tips to Restart Your Exercise Routine After 50!

Exercise over 50

Follow these easy tips to begin exercise after 50, even if it’s been a while!

It’s been months or maybe even years since you were regular with your workouts. It started with getting sick, winter weather, a bum shoulder, overtime at work, a family crisis, your new volunteer responsibilities, and all of a sudden you fell out of your exercise routine. It happens to the best of us.

Just recently it even happened to me! I had to undergo major surgery at the end of last year. With less than 2 weeks notice out of the blue and just before the busy holiday season, I had to get everything ready for my family and my business so I could step away for a bit. This put a big hold on my regular exercise routine. I followed these same tips below to begin my exercise routine again!

How do you begin exercise again after 50? Spring is nearly upon us. Please, let spring be nearly upon us! 😉 Spring is time for new beginnings! Let your new beginnings include getting back into a regular workout routine! Let’s do this together!

1. Speak with Your Doctor!

If you haven’t been active for a while, check in with your doctor. Get some guidelines for your body on where to start with your activity. This is especially important if you have heart disease or breathing issues. More times than not, you will get the all clear, but it’s always good to check!

2. Set a Goal and Understand Your “Why”!

Let’s face it. Exercise was on the back burner for a while. You need to discover exactly why you want to get started again so you can stay consistent. It’s not always going to be easy. There will be days where you don’t want to exercise. Don’t skip this step! Take a few minutes now to brainstorm or journal about why you really want to feel better. Take time to dig deep down within your soul. Dig past those surface level reasons and dig down to exactly how you would feel if you were in shape, what would you do,  and how would your family feel.

Do you want to have the energy and stamina to take that bucket list vacation? Do you want to easily get up and down from the floor with your kids or grandkids? Are you getting ready to bend, lift, and kneel to prep your spring garden? Do you want to look your best at your daughter’s wedding? Are you worried about the side effects of your blood pressure medicine? When you take the time to understand your “why” and set a realistic goal, you can remind yourself to stay on track when times are tough.

3. Don’t Skip the Warm-Up!

After 50 it becomes essential to add a warm-up to your routine. Warming up increases your circulation, raises your heart rate and body temperature safely. Not only does your cardiovascular system need the warm-up but your joints and muscles need a proper warm-up too to prevent injury! A dynamic warm-up that includes motions that you will perform in your workout is best. Try at least 5 minutes and include head turns, shoulder and arm circles, trunk rotation, high marches, butt kickers, side steps, and calf raises.

4. Schedule Your Workouts!

If you haven’t been regular with your workout routine, something will always come up that pushes your workout aside. Consider your workout the most important meeting with yourself. You wouldn’t cancel your doctor appointment or an important meeting at work. Exercise is not only to be performed when it’s convenient but on a regular schedule. At the beginning of the week, put your workouts into your calendar. Have you heard of the concept of “habit stacking” by BJ Fogg? Essentially you add a new habit onto an already existing habit to make it easier to complete. Wake up and brew your coffee right away? Add your workout immediately follwoing. Come home and take off your work shoes? Immediately change into your workout clothes. By pairing a new habit with an old habit, you are more likely to consistently complete the new habit!

5. Start Light and Build Up!

When most people get back into exercise after a long hiatus, they are gung-ho and fired up! They want to reach their goals yesterday. But they forget their body is not warmed up and ready to be pushed to the max. I’ve seen it time and time again where people end up injuring themselves by jumping into workouts too intense for their current health. Start slow and build from there, especially when you begin to exercise after age 50. I’m a strong believer you can do anything at any age, but you have to start slow! Step-by-step, day-by-day, you will thank yourself by staying consistent and seeing steady progress!

6. Get the Support You Need!

Starting back to exercise after a break, no matter how long, can be tough! Having the guidance and support of an experienced personal trainer can help you to stay committed and truly reach your goals! I’d love to be in your corner, cheering you on, and guide you with the right exercises for your body for each workout! If you’re ready, apply to work with me here!

6 Tips to Begin or Restart Exercise After Age 50

A version of this article was featured on MedicareBeauty.com