Tag Archives: walking

How to Take Your Walking Up a Notch

Improve your physical and mental health by walking.

Walking is a great form of exercise that can help improve your mental and physical health. It’s easy, convenient and doesn’t require any equipment – which makes it super simple! Walking helps the circulation in our bodies by improving blood flow throughout all parts including brain cells for better cognitive function as well increased activity […]

The Best Exercises for Your Spring Walk or Hike

fitness walking hiking outdoors

The days are getting longer, the sun is shining brighter, and the buds are beginning to bloom. Getting outside for a walk or a hike should be high on your to-do list! Getting outside for regular walks can help you to reduce your risk of heart disease, lower your blood pressure, improve your mood and mental health, and can be a great time to get out with friends or enjoy some quiet time yourself.

How to Get More Out of Your Walking Program!

woman walking

I talk to a lot of women over the age of 50, many of them enjoy walking! Maybe you’ve tried different fitness routines and programs over the years. Remember a few from back in the day, from Jane Fonda and the aerobics craze to Jazzercise, step aerobics, circuit routines, and maybe even buns of steel? […]